Awaken Your Business

64: How To Overcome Hardship Using Inner Guidance- W/ Rubia Lacerda

Episode Summary

If you are looking to overcome hardship and use your inner guidance to find your next step on your journey, this is the episode for you.

Episode Notes

We have all gone through hard times. Sometimes life's circumstances test us. Other times they don't test us enough and we feel lost.

In this interview, Rubia opens up about her past challenges. From losing everything, to numbing herself with alcohol, she had no choice but to jump on a different path and search for deep answers.

Because of her courage, Rubia was able to follow that voice that's always been inside her heart, and build a successful business serving her true tribe!

Here is her Bio

My name is Rubia Lacerda and I help people connect with their Inner-Guidance through Starseed Activation where I channel healing and messages from starseeds and ancestral spirit guides. From a young age I have been able to communicate with beings from other realms. I was born and grew up in Brazil and have always been very passionate about starseeds, energy healing, spirituality, holistic health and helping people. A few years ago I formalised my passion through studies and became a Transpersonal Counsellor & Pranic Healer. Since then, I have had some incredible life experiences which has taken my healing abilities to a whole new level. Today I share my gifts and wisdom with others and my mission is to help people heal. 

Reach out and connect with Rubia with the links below:


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