Awaken Your Business

53: How To Generate Creativity For Your Business - With Wendy Scheuring

Episode Summary

If you are to succeed in business, you must harness your ability to be innovative and creative. In this episode, we have a deep dive into how you can generate creativity on demand, and find out what implications it can have for your business.

Episode Notes

Have you ever been stuck, confused or lacking in ideas? For me, being trapped in these mental states comes down to a lack in one resource: Creativity! 

Whether you know it or not, you are an infinite creative being. The real question is: are you using this superpower?

In this power conversation, I have a great chat with my friend Wendy. She is an author, ghost writer, teacher and master of how to generate that creative flow we love as business owners. 

What you may find surprising is that most of this comes down to your own beliefs and also your daily practices. Yes, creativity is like a muscle, and if you aren't putting it to work, you may find it slipping away. 

You can connect with Wendy on her website and join her writing challenges here

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