Awaken Your Business

55: How To Build Your Personal Brand Online - With Jon Michail

Episode Summary

Whether you realise it or not, now is the time to build and capitalise on your personal brand as a business owner. In this episode, Jon Michail walks you through the exact steps of how to do that with authenticity and authority.

Episode Notes

Are you ready to get yourself out there and show the world what you've got? Are you ready to become the leader in your industry and serve in a way that makes an impact?

If so, this is the episode for you.

Jon Michail will be walking you through the steps of how to build your personal brand so that you can seen. heard and admired as the authority you are. 

Jon is an award winning image consultant and personal branding pioneer who works with business leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers to position, leverage and monetise business and personal objectives with an entrepreneurial and holistic approach.

Jon’s best-selling book Life Branding was the leading voice for authentic personal branding when published in 2002.

Why does he do what he does?

He’s passionate about individual freedom and prosperity. He believes all people deserve the opportunity to maximise their personal brand power, influence and impact.

He’s had an eclectic career spanning from being a designer with the Christian Dior brand to manufacturing, distribution and retail to sports management, business consulting and joint-venture creation across four continents.

As Group CEO of Image Group International, Jon and his team are committed to building, growing and monetising personal and business brands.

You can connect with Jon further with his website and email:


When you email Jon, mention 'Tyson Podcast' for a special gift :)

I hope you enjoy the insights!

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