Awaken Your Business

99: How To Create Magnetic Marketing Using Authenticity - W/ Kacy Barron

Episode Summary

In this interview, allow Kacy Barron to walk you through the steps to crafting your own magnetic marketing message so that you can expand your reach and attract your ideals clients.

Episode Notes

What's going to help you generate more reach and attract the right ideal clients? 

Magnetic Marketing! 

If you are a content creator, you know it's vital to stand out, deliver a strong message and allow your audience to see you above the noise. 

How do you do that in a world where there is so much competition? Kacy believes sharing your vulnerability, honesty and openness is the key that will bring heighten your reach and attract those you want in your circle. 

What you will learn: 

- How to shift your money mindset to achieve abundance 

- How to share your message in a way that's authentic 

- How to increase your social influence through networking 

- How to manifest the business of your dreams 

So, Who's Kacy...? 

Kacy Barron is an online CEO and speech-language pathologist. She helps online entrepreneurs increase their income with magnetic marketing, increasing visibility, and mastering their energy alignment with her program The Aligned CEO Accelerator. She’s also an intuitive, psychic medium, and soul connector. 

You can connect with Kacy using the links below: 




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