Awaken Your Business

25: How To Reach Self-Love Through Trauma - With Michelene Cain

Episode Summary

Do you have challenges or pain from your past that needs resolving? In this episode, we hear from Michelene Cain. She shares her inspiring journey to move from trauma to self-love and gifts you with some tools and strategies on how you can do the same.

Episode Notes

If you have been wondering how to move past your trauma and other difficult circumstances, this is a conversation for you.

Michelene Cain is our amazing guest who, despite a traumatic and abusive past, found the strength to love herself and share her kindness with the world. 

We dive deep on how she was able to make this shift, including affirmations into the mirror, continuing heart-centered meditations, and connecting with that inner-child that needs to be seen.

If you notice a pattern within yourself that you are avoiding, it may be time to do yourself a favour, face the uncertainty, and resolve that pattern with love. 

Feel free to connect with Michelene here on her personal page if you would like to add her to your network:


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