Awaken Your Business

197: 5 Lessons around self sabotage from Gay Hendricks

Episode Summary

In this episode, you will learn the 5 main takeaways from Gay Hendrick's book 'The Big Leap', and how you can get your self-sabotage under control.

Episode Notes

There will always be a new expansive level of abundance, success, and love in your life.

So, what’s your next level?

Can you hear, see, and feel it in your bones?

How long have you been trying to experience this new level of expansion? 

If you have been at it for a while, chances are you have noticed yourself self-sabotaging your journey. If you haven’t noticed it, I guarantee it’s still happening. 

That's why I wanted to give you the insights from Gay Hendricks and his book 'The Big Leap'



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