Awaken Your Business

196: How being ‘nice’ could be harming you

Episode Summary

My main insight recently is that being overly nice isn’t actually being nice, it’s being inauthentic, secretive, and manipulative. This episode is about exploring this pattern and how you can start taking your power back.

Episode Notes

I know what you are thinking, ‘being nice is a great quality to have!’.

Yes, I know. However, what I want to mention here is an overdeveloped pattern of being ‘nice’. This could be with your clients, friends, family members, and most often in your intimate relationships. 

Why do I want to mention this? It’s something I have been working on, and the study of the subject has opened my eyes to patterns I didn’t even know I had!

My hope is that for some of you, these insights will have the same effect.

What you are going to learn

  1. What are the main patterns of being an overdeveloped 'nice person'.
  2. How could this be harming you in your life
  3. What you can start doing about it

I hope this helps!