Awaken Your Business

192: 5 Hidden Self-Sabotaging Patterns

Episode Summary

In this episode, you will learn the 5 hidden ways you sabotage your success and the key awareness questions necessary to shift them.

Episode Notes

The wise saying is that you are either growing or dying in the world of business.

With so much importance on growth, are you paying attention to all the ways you may be sabotaging your own success?

When these patterns are not noticed, you can find yourself in a stuck pattern. 

However, when revealed and shifted it can be the greatest pivot point of your journey.

Sabotaging your own success is similar to someone trying to accelerate in a car without taking off the handbrake.

This is why I call these 5 self-sabotaging patterns ‘Mental Handbrakes’. 

In this episode, this is what we will explore along with the key awareness questions to help shift your relationship to your sabotaging patterns.


If you are looking to collaborate with other spiritual entrepreneurs, I will see you in the Serving Circle and on our next zoom collaboration call

The Serving Circle - Spiritual Business Collaboration 


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