Awaken Your Business

167: Healing the pattern of 'what if I fail?'

Episode Summary

As spiritual entrepreneurs, it takes a lot of courage to follow your heart and take your leap in business. One of the reasons being is this core fear ‘what if I fail?’. What you are about to tune into is a group coaching call in which this topic is discussed.

Episode Notes

As spiritual entrepreneurs, it takes a lot of courage to follow your heart and take your leap in business.

One of the reasons being is this core fear ‘what if I fail?’

You could become torn between your head and your heart. Your heart says, this is your dream, it’s what’s exciting, and what you are here to contribute to this world.

Your mind says, but what if you don’t make money? You have responsibilities, people to take care of and bills to pay. What if all of that comes crumbling down?

This was the very question and fear that was presented on a bonus group coaching call I did after the Serving Circle weekly collaboration call. Anita Johnson was courageous enough to bring up her deepest business fear, and what you are about to see is how she was able to dissolve the fear and step into action in the matter of minutes. 

What you will learn:

  1. How do notice where you are building your business from safety.
  2. What to do when you notice yourself trying to ‘keep it all together’.
  3. The steps on how to move past the fear of failure on the business journey.


You can connect with Anita using the links below:


Yes, it’s here and in the Serving Circle where you help elevate consciousness through spiritual business success. So, if you are a spiritual entrepreneur and want to collaborate with your soul tribe, I’ll see you in there:


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