Awaken Your Business

140: How To Market From Your Heart- w/ Marieta Oslanec

Episode Summary

How do you put your heart in your business and market in a way that leads to income and fulfillment? Many spiritual entrepreneurs struggle when it comes to manifesting and attracting their ideal business outcomes, and it’s in this episode where we discuss how to do that from your heart.

Episode Notes

How do you put your heart in your business and market in a way that leads to income and fulfillment? Many spiritual entrepreneurs struggle when it comes to manifesting and attracting their ideal business outcomes, and it’s in this episode where we discuss how to do that from your heart.

Marieta Oslanec is going to walk you through how she was able to attract and manifest her entrepreneurial goals after her spiritual awakening, all while applying love and her heart in marketing

What you are going to learn:


So who is Marieta?

Marieta moved to the US in 2007 with $700 to her name. With determination and passion, she became a lawyer and grew a successful law firm with her partner. However, her success led to a devastating breakup, leaving her feeling lost and alone.

This led to her spiritual awakening, traveling the world and spending 21 days in complete silence during vipassana meditation retreats in Nepal, Bali, Hawaii, and CA.

After her awakening, she wrote the book ‘Love is the Law’ and started her third company: soulful business coaching to help conscious entrepreneurs master their mindset and turn their passion into a real profit. Amazingly, she was able to hit her business goal of 100K/month and today she’s coaching extraordinary entrepreneurs to experience a quantum leap in their business and hit 7-figure in 12 months.


You can connect with her using the links below:



PS. If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who are looking to collaborate with you, I’ll see you in the Serving Circle.