Awaken Your Business

139: How To Develop A Positive Money Mindset

Episode Summary

We all know the benefits of developing a positive money mindset. But have you ever tried to think more positively, yet achieve the same results time and time again? It’s in this episode where we explore why that is and how to create a real shift.

Episode Notes

We all know the benefits of developing a positive money mindset. But have you ever tried to think more positively, yet achieve the same results time and time again? It’s in this episode where we explore why that is and how to create a real shift.

What’s the real challenge here?

Many people try to shift their mindset but remain in an egoic pattern around money, or what we will call ‘Separation Consciousness’.

Have you ever believed the story that if you had more money you would feel different? Or maybe imagining it as a destination out there somewhere? That’s because your ego sees it as something outside of you.

If you are to create long-lasting change with your money relationship, it may be time to operate from a place of Unity Consciousness.

In this episode you will learn:


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