Awaken Your Business

114: How To Meditate To Attract Clients And Business Collaborations

Episode Summary

If you are looking to attract more clients and business collaborations, this is the shift you must make to your meditation.

Episode Notes

If you are looking to attract more clients and business collaborations, meditation is a huge piece of your success.

Many business owners use tools such as meditations, affirmations, and reframing as tools for more success. However, the challenge is that many are using them from a place of fear and scarcity.

This keeps many people stuck on the business journey and unable to help the number of people they want.

In this episode, you will learn

  1. Why most people operate from fear
  2. How to heal the pattern that's underneath all scarcity 
  3. The inner shift that leads to attracting more clients 

What you will find is that your energy of abundance, love, and contribution will allow you to be resourceful in taking your business to the next level.


If you are looking to join the community of heart-centered business owners who would love to collaborate with you, use the link below for access to the Serving Circle:

The Serving Circle - Heart-Centered CEO Collaboration